646f9e108c Detroit is owned by evil billionaire Abraham Kane (Mark Hamill). Having banned freedoms including automobile transportation, Kane now faces one last obstacle: a group of hot-rod wielding rebels who call themselves the Burners. Led by Mike Chilton (Reid Scott), the Burners rise to stop Kane from conquering Detroit's last oasis of freedom-an underground refuge dubbed Motorcity. In the future, charismatic tyrant, Abraham Kane, is taking over Detroit, transforming it block-by-block into his insidious city of tomorrow: KaneCo Deluxe. But one thing stands in his way: the Burners. Led by the charming and impulsive daredevil, Mike Chilton, this band of hot-rod wielding rebels fights to protect Motorcity - the last oasis of freedom - from the power-hungry Kane and his endless army of technological terrors. Motorcity is a high-octane animated action-comedy that celebrates freedom and independence with cool cars, great action, and dynamic heroes who stand up for what they believe in. (Short version:its quality) wow the music is refreshing for the time and now, plot is interesting, the science is solid enough (for the tech),and the animation O The ANIMATION if i knew this quality of animation was in cartoons in 2012 i would have complained about everything else. sadly this (and tron:uprising) was overlooked because of the network choice but it is more than meets the eye(and i don't mean the cars and the cool art) the characters are interesting the more you get to know them and yes there are some bad ones (texas,and the duke (but i love them anyway)) but their well thought out so yes i think it's underrated here on IMDb and maybe it will just surprise you.
quderhema Admin replied
337 weeks ago